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Our Center

With the ever growing needs in disability support and the ongoing encouragement of our clients and community, we have introduced respite support into our services. We offer an affordable 1:1 respite facility to those that choose to get involved. Connect provides respite at our centre in Beverly Hills, which is located only 20 minutes from Cronulla Beach and 5 minutes from Hurstville Westfields.  


Respite is a great opportunity for our customers to expand their independence skills by taking on the challenge of living on their own, with our trustworthy staff to support and guide them when they are feeling unsure. This empowers our clients, helps them build confidence and increases their self-esteem.  


Our respite service is tailored differently for every client,  taking into account their goals and needs . Each respite service is carefully planned to ensure the experience is both functional and enjoyable, resulting in an overall great experience.  


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